About Me

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Hi! The content you will see here are pictures that were taken by me with a 35mm SLR film-based camera, a Nikon D5100 DSLR, products of exploiting developmental chemistry, and/or experimental exposure to film and/or developing paper. So, enjoy yourself.

I welcome any comments, criticisms, critiques--anything.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Updates Will Continue Late May :D


Some of you may probably be wondering, "Gee. I wonder why Christian hasn't uploaded a picture since April 5th, 1968".

Well, the answer is simply: College.

I have been hard at work studying for multiple exams (at least one every week), and now I am preparing for finals (which will take place the week of April 30th, 2012).

Luckily, after exams, I will be working for a few weeks (full time) so that I can actually purchase a nice DSLR. I hate to admit it, but film is becoming more expensive and, well... I need money for food, clothes, hair products, birds, the letter 7, etc. The blog should resume, then, BEFORE June 1st, 2012.

If I continue actual "film development", it'll be the focus of pinhole cameras and paper development. If you don't know what the means, don't worry. I'll show you in due time (probably in the middle of summer).

So, I expect to have a DSLR in my possession around the last week of May. I appreciate your patience while I make this difficult transition.


I will be purchasing a DSLR around late May to continue this blog.

Updates will continue BEFORE June 1st (so, late May).

As always, thank you for your continued support.

And, in the mean time, check out some of my friends' blogs/websites:





- Christian Gunder