About Me

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Hi! The content you will see here are pictures that were taken by me with a 35mm SLR film-based camera, a Nikon D5100 DSLR, products of exploiting developmental chemistry, and/or experimental exposure to film and/or developing paper. So, enjoy yourself.

I welcome any comments, criticisms, critiques--anything.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Update 3/19/14

Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a terrific 2013, and are beginning to make the most out of 2014. And, of course, I hope you all are doing so very well.

It has been a very, very long time since I last posted a photograph. In all honesty, I've been so busy with school work and dealing with potential employers that I haven't really had the opportunity to go out and shoot anything. Chemical engineering is so overwhelmingly time consuming!

Recently, I've been given the opportunity to do something really terrific with one of my favorite prints. If all goes well, I'll be able to reveal a special treat to you all very soon! Until then, keep your beautiful eyes peeled. (:

Hopefully, the site will be in full operation by late April! I'll keep you all updated periodically until that day arrives.

And, as always, I want to thank every single one of you for the love and support you've given me and my photography this last year and a half. Any and all happiness my work gives to your day is added inspiration that keeps driving me.

I'll see you around. Very soon. :]

- Christian Gunder
Tags: Update, Industrialization, Future, Prints